
The firm provides labour law advice to both public and pri-vate corporate entities and individuals (employees and auton-omous workers) in judicial and in out-of-court matters, in-cluding those pertaining to trade unions relations, occupa-tional health and safety and local governmental authorities.

The team of labour law lawyers specialise in managing all areas of labour law including: litigation proceedings, assignment and revocation of managerial and administrative positions, corporate reorganisations and staff reductions and the rele-vant social safety systems, nets, disputes regarding public sec-tor employment, workers abroad, salaries and incentive schemes, regulatory co, national collective agreements, corpo-rate loyalty and confidentiality. Following the introduction of Italian Legislative Decree 231/01 on the administrative liabil-ity of the entities, BM&A has also dealt with the preparation and management of organisational models, constantly advis-ing clients in all legal and administrative proceedings.
